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Whether you’re planting a community garden in Jamaica, practicing Spanish in Colombia, or cycling with locals in Germany, every personal friendship you create when you travel plays a small part in building a more peaceful world.

Multiply that effect by 16,000 – that’s the number of people around the world already committed to peace through friendship. They are the Friendship Force.

With volunteers on the ground in 63 countries, our programs bring these diverse people together, into one another’s cultures and even homes, to share one-of-a-kind experiences not available to regular tourists.

Through these exciting personal encounters, strangers become friends – and if we can build a world of friends, we can build a world of peace.

Our members are ordinary people just like you, who travel or host in the name of global friendship.

View this video to discover what can happen in "just a week."

Friendship Force International - New Promotional Video (English) 
from Friendship Force International 
on Vimeo.


Our club is just one of some 350 similar clubs located in more than 63 countries all over the world. We are a nonprofit corporation committed to furthering world peace by forming international friendships. Members travel in small groups as "Good Will Ambassadors" to one or two host cities on what is called a journey.

While on a journey, members are home hosted individually or in pairs for a week in each city by members of the receiving Friendship Force club. It's a unique, if not rare, opportunity to share in the lives of a family and to learn of their culture. It's a lot more than just sharing bed and board. Members sometimes find themselves attending a wedding, visiting a school, or even observing a cremation. They may be taken to a spa in Japan, an underground salt cathedral in Colombia, or visit an ice palace in Sweden. You just never know...

In turn, our club annually hosts journeys from other countries and clubs within the United States. In addition to hosting ambassadors in our homes, we usually plan a party or two and several all day group outings to San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Stanford University, and Silicon Valley. We often end the day with a visit to one of our many wonderful restaurants.

It may sound like we are a travel club, but we are not. We are a lot more. We are looking for others who want to make international friends to better understand their culture, lifestyle and values. If this sounds interesting to you, we want to hear from you. For more information, contact us.

Becoming a member is easy. Click here for information.

Learn about our parent organization:     Friendship Force International

Latest Events and Journeys - Friendship Force San Francisco Bay Area.  Click NEWSLETTERS on menu.  Then Current Newsletter
                     FFSFBA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

©FFSFBA – Friendship Force San Francisco Bay Area. All rights reserved.


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