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Friendship Force International, a 1992 Nobel Peace Prize nominee founded in 1977, is an international nonprofit, volunteer organization. It is a global community comprising 360 clubs in 55 countries. Its members are ordinary people of all ages who share a desire to spread goodwill, to better understand people of other cultures, and to value one another as friends.

When local hosts open their homes to visitors from other countries and cultures, true understanding can develop though the sharing of meals, conversation and the routines of daily life. Strangers become friends. These friends change the way we see the world.

With the Friendship Force, not only do we discover other cultures, but we become citizen ambassadors for our own culture. We become part of changing the way others see the world as well.

Every friendship formed across the barriers of nationality, language, religion or politics makes the world a better place. This year 18,000 Friendship Force members are eager to welcome you.

For a look at current worldwide journeys through Friendship Force go Click on FF JOURNEYS.

For more about Friendship Force International, visit

Jeremi Snook

CEO & President
 Friendship Force International

Video Presentation

Latest Events and Journeys - Friendship Force San Francisco Bay Area.  Click NEWSLETTERS on menu.  Then Current Newsletter
                     FFSFBA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 

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