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World Friendship Day Celebration
March 11, 2006

 Photos by Loretta Wales


World Friendship Day, March 1, is a Friendship Force International celebration in which
Friendship Force clubs around the world celebrate friendships made through exchanges.
Festivities are held as close to March 1 as reasonable. For World Friendship Day in 2005
and 2006, our club celebrated with potlucks in which members brought international dishes
to share with other members and guests as well as apparel, memorabilia, and letters to show.



  Our potluck featured many delicious international dishes.


Kyi Kyi, Carolyn Linnard, Yvonne Bretoi, Remus Bretoi

Ron Greenwald, Gloria Greenwald, Pat Fortmeier, David Fortmeier

Which is the deepest lake in the world? Which country has the greatest population density?
These and other questions were answered in a geography game at each table.


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